I have so much to say about this I’m not sure I can write it all. I am squarely Gen X (with strong Millennial tendencies, I have a theory about this which now I might write about but would make this even longer) and my dream has been to be an poetry influencer. Maybe it sounds ridiculous, but all I’ve ever wanted to be in life as a writer, and I’ve known since I was 7 that my purpose as a writer was to entertain people and make them feel less alone. When I was growing up there was only one way to get work out there—traditional publishing houses—and the internet and social media disrupted that model, giving access to writers and voices that wouldn’t otherwise reach people. Which is THRILLING to me. I wanted to be a part of it but have literally never been able to do it. I do branding for a living but can’t manage to brand myself, plus none of my peers hang out online where I do. I don’t know what the issue is, but I do know that I have trouble focusing, which is maybe what getting a large following takes, because I have lots of interests. Also I think the way I write is not commercial enough, and maybe that’s because I didn’t grow up with the internet and don’t have that voice in my head. At this point, though, my goal is acceptance. My goal is to write what I want because it brings me joy and makes me feel alive and like myself. I wish I could reach a large audience and support myself this way, but the fact is I would do it no matter what, it’s essential to my being, so I just keep doing it. I can only be the writer I am, and if the internet doesn’t like it, oh well. What other option do I have if I want to live an authentic and honest life, which is really what I write about?

I hope that speaks to the question, at least a little, since I think it’s a good one and obviously I have strong feelings about it.

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I just wrote about this exact thing, too! It’s like trying to untangle person from personal brand gets harder and harder with every iteration of the internet and its incentives.

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I totally agree with you on this! I guess Substack can be whatever you want it to be, but I'm just here for fun... not to promote anything, sell anything or brand myself. There's a lot of places you can do that with far less work.

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Hi Johanna! I have been reading your posts since L’ile by Garance Doré. I subscribed to your newsletter goodbye social media and therefore, I saw you doing all these moves you describe in this piece and I find it very inspiring. To get free from all the how-tos about how to publish, when and what for. I do appreciate you share your essays and your photos for the sake of interacting with people authentically. I also publish on Substack and I have had a wonderful experience with my readers. I have readers! People who actually take their time to read my poems. I’m very happy publishing monthly here in Substack. Hope to see more of your writing pieces here :) Greetings from Colombia in Southamerica. :)

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